
erectile dysfunction

By Dr. David Samadi Sexuality is fundamental to men’s perception to their self-concept across their lives. From puberty to old […]

Aging Gracefully

By Dr. David Samadi As we age, taking care of our appearance becomes more important. Here are some practical tips […]

Role of Fiber in Men

By Dr. David Samadi Men often prioritize protein, assuming it’s the key to optimal health. However, there’s another essential nutrient […]

testosterone supplements is risky for men

By Dr. David Samadi  The “macho man” hormone testosterone is a part of medicine that, quite often, is overused and […]

Omega-3 food

By Dr. David Samadi Adding rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids to your plate is crucial for maintaining optimal health […]

sperm count decline

By Dr. David Samadi Recent research conducted by the University of Manchester, Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada, and Cryos International, […]

Rev Up Your Prostate Health

By Dr. David Samadi Exercise plays a pivotal role in promoting prostate health, particularly in the battle against prostate cancer. […]

Naturally Detox

By Dr. David Samadi In a digital sea awash with detoxing advice, it’s easy to forget that our bodies are […]

common erectile dysfunction

By Dr. David Samadi When is the last time you discussed with the guys about problems with erectile dysfunction? Never? […]

Mens Urological Wellness

By Dr. David Samadi In men’s health, the importance of nurturing urological well-being cannot be overstated. It is a fundamental […]

Testosterone Therapy

By Dr. David Samadi The most recent data on type 2 diabetes is startling but true: According to the Centers […]

prostate cancer treatment

By Dr. David Samadi Prostate cancer presents a complex set of considerations, often requiring expertise beyond that of a single […]

Overcoming Chemo Brain

By Dr. David Samadi Cancer patients often refer to a phenomenon called ‘chemo brain’ in a somewhat humorous way, acknowledging […]

Stay Active and Energized Every Day

By Dr. David Samadi Regular physical activity is a major cornerstone of maximizing good health and overall well-being. Following a daily movement routine […]

Poor Sleep Impact

By Dr. David Samadi Men may not realize this, but a good night’s sleep is crucial for the health of […]

Secrets to Mens Health

By Dr. David Samadi Men often find themselves at a loss for words during their annual check-ups, eager to exit […]


A digital rectal examination (DRE) is a vital component of routine health screenings, particularly for men over 50 years old […]

Overcoming the Stigma Why Men Shouldn’t Hesitate to Address Erectile Dysfunction (1)

Men often face significant barriers when it comes to addressing erectile dysfunction (ED). Society’s narrow definition of masculinity and the […]

Dynamic Exercises

By Dr. David Samadi  Maintaining fitness and reducing disease risk can feel daunting, but it’s achievable. Adding in specific exercises into your […]

health and happiness

By Dr. David Samadi Nurturing connections with others is a fundamental aspect of the human experience, from our earliest days […]


High cholesterol, much like high blood pressure, often lurks without symptoms, silently elevating the risk of heart attack or stroke. […]


Sleeping single in a double bed may not be your idea for maintaining a strong relationship with your significant other. […]

Urologic health

By Dr. David Samadi For many men, just the thought of entering a doctor’s office can often stir up feelings […]

Mens healh age 60

By Dr. David Samadi  As men reach their 60s and beyond, it becomes highly essential for them to prioritize their […]


In our fast-paced world, convenience often wins over traditional meal preparation. Enter protein shakes—a quick fix for those seeking to […]


In today’s world, building strong bonds between men are recognized as vital components of men’s health and overall well-being. Scientific […]


Are you tired of treating the aches and discomfort of joint pain and arthritis with medications and looking to incorporate […]


The COVID-19 pandemic and its mismanagement have had multifaceted tragic implications. Among these, a significant concern arises from the delays […]

Unlocking the Power to Slow Chronic Kidney Disease Vital Steps to Preserve Kidney Health

A diagnosis of a condition like chronic kidney disease (CKD) can be a shocking revelation since it often arrives unexpectedly […]

Be wary of certain prescription medications that may lower testosterone levels

Testosterone plays a crucial role in maintaining men’s vitality and overall well-being. From regulating libido to influencing bone density, muscle […]